Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Epicness that is NIN

So, I no longer have to fear muttering 'Alas! I never got to see NIN live in concert before I... AAARRRGGGG' on my deathbed.

In a sick way, I don't want my sunburn to go away. Every time I move, I'm reminded of how much NIN ROCKS!

Also, to all the crazy beautiful people that ended up in my photos, please don't sue and stuff ;)

All photos can be found here.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Driving Trip with Dale - Oregon June 2008

While back for a friend's wedding, I went on a driving trip with my dad in his newly refurbished Jeep. It was a good time, kind of melancholy... it ended with stew ;)

I miss home :(

All of the photos.

Luray Caverns Trip 2008

Photos from a trip to the Luray Caverns.

I initially thought it was going to be lame (after seeing the lava caves in Oregon), but it was really really cool (and cheap!).

Luray Caverns & Hedgemaze photos

Schoonover Wedding June 2008

Zomg! Photos from ze Weddingz!

Schoonover Wedding!