Friday, August 26, 2005

All Kinked Sideways With A Puffed Out Tail

My little kitty was a tiny little bully from the moment we got her. Constantly bullying her leopard-print-tummy brother who was smaller than her. A year later, Dean was twice Rogue's size yet she still leaped over, tumbled with, licked and bit him. Even after moving in with strange outdoor cats much larger than her, she stands her ground like a true suicidal spaz-fest should.

My kitty is the smartest ever! She has a habit of dipping her paw in drinks then licking it off her foot, so as not to spill the glass and get in trouble. Notorious curios little brat! She climbs every shelf, car, trailer, roof, person, furniture and appliance in sight. Maybe she jumps into every opened kitchen drawer so as to pounce on any tasty-bits hiding in the back. Such a great little helper! Doing laundry? She'll help keep the folded clothes from running away by sitting in the basket. Moving furniture? She'll help steady it by sitting on top. Writing a paper or reading a book? She'll help you IMMENSELY by laying directly in the middle of whatever you're doing. She's also a really good gardener! She makes sure no pollen gets in the house by chewing off every flower she sees. She's especially helpful when you're swordfighting! Your opponent won't land a swing on your legs because she's hanging from your pant legs.

She loves to talk! You never have to guess what Rogue is feeling. She tells you all about how happy/sad/angry/hungry/annoyed/tired and lovely she is... ALL THE TIME. If she sees you, she talks, and you'd better listen. She's the most sweetest little snuzzly Rogue! Don't even get me started about my little Mice-Genocide-Trooper! Little Mrs. Obsessive Hunter.

Unfortunately... this is a sad blog.

Rogue died yesterday... I found her in the road while I was getting ready to go to work. She had been hit by a car early that morning (I was laying with her until about 11:00 the night before). It's nice to know that she finally got to be an outdoor kitty, she was free and loved and her life was happy... as short as it was. =( Follow the Blog Title link to see the few digital photos I have of her when she was little little.