Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fawn Butte Oregon, Above the Clouds

Holy SHIT this trip was awesome. Not much to say other than I'm terribly homesick now :(

As per usual, dear readers, the rest of the pics can be viewed here

I wanted this one to look like the curvature of the earth:

Bike ride with my Dad, Thanksgiving 2008

I went on a bike ride with my Dad to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. He's so freakin' eccentric it cracks me up ;) There's some shots of me in a goofy hat in this batch, too! The rest of the photos can be viewed here.

Ironic maybe?

Trip to the Oregon Coast with Dale, Nov. 2008

I went for a drive with my Dad to the coast while visiting Oregon. It's REALLY REALLY hard not to be homesick. The rest of the album can be viewed here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Epicness that is NIN

So, I no longer have to fear muttering 'Alas! I never got to see NIN live in concert before I... AAARRRGGGG' on my deathbed.

In a sick way, I don't want my sunburn to go away. Every time I move, I'm reminded of how much NIN ROCKS!

Also, to all the crazy beautiful people that ended up in my photos, please don't sue and stuff ;)

All photos can be found here.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Driving Trip with Dale - Oregon June 2008

While back for a friend's wedding, I went on a driving trip with my dad in his newly refurbished Jeep. It was a good time, kind of melancholy... it ended with stew ;)

I miss home :(

All of the photos.

Luray Caverns Trip 2008

Photos from a trip to the Luray Caverns.

I initially thought it was going to be lame (after seeing the lava caves in Oregon), but it was really really cool (and cheap!).

Luray Caverns & Hedgemaze photos

Schoonover Wedding June 2008

Zomg! Photos from ze Weddingz!

Schoonover Wedding!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Quotes that shouldn't be lost


This came through me earlier today... and I thought I should send it on to you so that it doesn't get silently lost for ever....

"That is the true power of the human mind. To hold two contrary ideals and be self righteous about both of them."


Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Trip to Langley Airforce Base April '08

Whee! Here are some photos I took at the Langley Airforce base in Hamilton VA. Hopefully I won't have any military agents knocking on my door... although HOPEFULLY confiscating tourist photos of things OBVIOUSLY meant to have pictures taken of them isn't normal practice.

But it is the government, right?

Anyway, the main lot of photos can be viewed here.




Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cherry Blossom Festival, DC March '08

Whew, talk about a LOT of walking. Jesus. Fighting the crowds was fun, too... glad it's a once-a-year thing.

As always, the lot of pics can be found here.




Friday, March 21, 2008

Horse Rescue, Farmland VA Feb. '08

Even mooooore pictures. This time of a horse rescue in the fields of VA.

The entire collection can be viewed here.



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Harper's Ferry, Virginia Feb '08

Whee! I took these on a trip to Harper's Ferry last month. It was pretty cool to see the water flowing around old foundations. I guess there had been recent storms and the rivers were PISSED off.

The rest of the photos can be viewed here.



Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Grandma's Fuller's House - Captured in Time - April '07

Blarg, wow, totally forgot to upload these.... while these ones aren't awe-inspiring sunsets, the amount of nostalgia I feel looking at them is indescribable. The house is within about 100 yards of some train tracks, which you'd think would be annoying, but it's was actually really soothing (I wrote about it here a long time ago.

All of the photos can be viewed here.

The bear and stained glass in this window haven't been moved my entire life:


Don't mow the wildflowers, or it's your ass:


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Whee!! Boston Pictures!!

I uploaded my most recent batch of pictures, from a trip to Boston awhile ago. Enjoy! The whole lot of them can be viewed here.







Thursday, January 17, 2008

Me at DeviantArt

After a ton of prodding, I uploaded some photos to a DeviantArt page where you can buy prints and stuff. Yay!

On the way to the gym....

It's getting harder and harder for me to restrain myself from taking pictures of every awesome sunrise/sunset I see. Some day I'll get run over while taking these photos...

Once again, here are three of the best (I think). The others can be found here.




Thursday, January 10, 2008

Clouds to MagFest!

Well, I'm not a huge fan of these pics, but they took SO MUCH EFFORT to get, I'm going to post them anyway.

Of course, I don't actually have any pictures from MagFest (Manga and Gaming Fest), because I forgot my camera :( Tons of video games, people in costumes, music.. good times. Guess I'll have to get those pictures next years.

The full album is here.


Colonial Williamsburg, Xmas Day '07

Some pictures I took at Colonial Williamsburg, Christmas Day.


The rest can be found here.




Kent Island Pictures, New Years Day '08

Here are some photos I took at Kent Island while recovering from a great New Years hangover. The house we were visiting was HUGE and right on the river/bay/wtfever. Good stuff.

The whole group can be viewed here.



